Wholesale dried fish and shrimp

Today Shrimp and fish are sold with packing and bulking. Wholesale of these products is one of the most profitable and popular businesses in the world. Dried fish and shrimp are raw valuable materials for some other products. We produce these products with the best and highest international standards with high quantity.

What you read in this article:

Drying is one of the best and oldest ways to preserve shrimp and fish. In this method, in addition to preserving the nutrients of meat and increased their shelf life is also significantly. There are three ways to dry shrimp and fish

  • sun dried (traditional method)
  • freeze dried
  • industry dried

In the last two methods, industrial devices are used, but because the nature of the final product is different they Are categorized separately.

dried shrimp

Dried whole fish

Anchovies fishes using for  making dried fish . Fish with head on and head less steamed than in the traditional method after 10 days, they are dried with the sunlight and in the industrial method, drying is done in a few hours. Each type of dried fish has its fans and both of them have advantages and disadvantages that should be considered at the time of purchase. Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea are one of the major habitats of Anchovies.

Iran, as the largest country in that region, has become one of the major producers of dried fish, whose products are exported to different countries every year.

Dried whole fish

Dried wild & farmed shrimp

For making 1 kilogram dried shrimp you need between 6-8 kilogram fresh shrimp. and if you want your product is without skin and head this amount increases. Dried shrimp producing in this prosses

  1. hunting : The main problem of production is always in supplying the required raw materials in the required quantity
  2. Send to factory: Most damage to shrimp occurs during displacement. Improper displacement causes shrimp to be crushed and broken.
  3. Boiling: at this stage, salt is added to the shrimp to make it taste good, and of course, salt is also a disinfectant for shrimp.
  4. drying: shrimp, like fish, are dried by machine or sunlight
  5. peeling: after the drying shrimps are peeled with machines.

Sometimes customer  want P.D dried shrimp or HOSL dried shrimp. all kind of them are available.


packing with your brand, fair prices , excellent quality, flexible delivery terms ,…. are our special service for every one who want to buy wholesale of  dried shrimp and fish.

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