Natural dried Jinga shrimp Manufacturers

Only 1 kg of dried shrimp is obtained from every 8-10 kg of fresh shrimp, which shows that the process of preparing dried shrimp is very laborious and requires a lot of money. If dried shrimp are made from sea shrimp, the processing will be a little longer because sea shrimp is less caught than farm shrimp. Visit our site for more information on Natural Dried Jinga Shrimp Producers.

Natural dried Jinga shrimp Manufacturers

Sheet-Based dried Jinga shrimp for Sale

Sheet-Based dried Jinga shrimp for Sale In Iran, 180-200 size shrimps are usually used for drying, and large shrimps are usually sold frozen or fresh. And this is mostly due to the lower price of shrimp of this size. Obviously, at the request of the target market and customer, larger sizes can be used to prepare dried shrimp, in which case there will be a higher price for the final product. Packaged shrimp nuts are one of the best forms of shrimp for use any season of the year, sold in bulk and retail in aquatic markets such as Bushehr and Bandar Abbas in the south of the country.

Shrimp Nut is one of the processed and dried shrimps among the people in the south of the country, which has been used by the people of these regions for a long time outside the fresh shrimp season. people of the south Iran by Land Sea products form a significant part of their food basket, which is very important even in the consumption of their snacks. Due to the healthy sale and production of prawn nuts, it has been popular with the locals of regions such as Bushehr for many years, and nowadays, with the increase in people’s knowledge and luck about seafood, mainly shrimp nuts are produced. and in beautiful client packages.

Open to the friendly public. The better the shrimp used in this process, the better the quality of the shrimp nuts obtained. It is worth noting that this type of shrimp can be used not only as a snack, but also in the preparation of delicious dishes such as soaked and fried shrimp. Shrimp is an excellent food for color, freshness and agility, health, vitality and growth of all aquarium and farm fish. Dried shrimps are more accessible and you can use them whenever you want. – Production and drying are carried out in a completely hygienic process that does not contain germs and parasites. – This food helps to increase appetite and disease resistance in fish. For more information on the Dried Shrimp trade, visit our site.

Is dried Jinga shrimp high in cholesterol?

Is dried Jinga shrimp high in cholesterol? Although high cholesterol levels have raised concerns about shrimp consumption, research shows that there is really no harm in consuming it. In fact, because of its omega-3 fatty acids, shrimp can actually protect against heart disease, as evidence has shown that eating shrimp can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, all while lowering good cholesterol. Shrimp cholesterol also provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their role in heart health and anti-inflammatory properties. For more information about dried Jinga shrimp sales, you can visit our site.


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