Buy Bulk 100% healthy dried Jinga shrimp

Buying and selling healthy dried Jinga shrimp for export with the highest possible quality and observing completely hygienic points and in beautiful and elegant packages, is done in Mehrad Protein Company, which is suitable for use in domestic and export markets.

Buy Bulk 100% healthy dried Jinga shrimp

Nutrition Facts of Shrimp

Nutrition Facts of Shrimp

Shrimp is one of the most popular foods in the world, which is prepared in various items. When it comes to shrimp, its pleasant taste evokes in the minds of those who have used this food. Dried shrimp is one of the different types of shrimp that has many fans. The sale of dried shrimp, in addition to Iran, is popular in many European countries and the Persian Gulf countries, and is served as an expensive and luxurious food in the best hotels in the world. This type of Dried Shrimp wholesale not have the bad smell of freshly caught shrimp due to its dryness, and for this reason, buying and selling dried shrimp is very popular among seafood lovers.

Also, unique properties such as preventing cancers, preventing Alzheimer’s disease in old age and high amounts of omega-3 and phosphorus in it have made dried shrimp very popular among the people. Of course, it should be noted that due to the use of salt in the process of drying shrimp, the use of this type of shrimp for people with high blood pressure, should be done with greater care to prevent further problems for this type of people.

Can humans eat freeze dried shrimp?

Can humans eat freeze dried shrimp?

There are several ways to make dried shrimp, and here are two: For example, you can first wash the shrimp and boil it with plenty of salt for 20 minutes without removing the head until it turns pink. Then rinse it and hang it in the sun to dry. Move the shrimp every few hours to dry both sides. Alternatively, fry the shrimp in a frying pan with a small amount of salt for 5 to 10 minutes.

Then, as in the previous method, expose it to sunlight to dry. There are many types of seafood that are available to consumers, one of which is dried shrimp. Dried shrimp has a pink flesh and a wonderful taste that is suitable for any taste. This type of shrimp has various uses in raw form and in cooking. Our group is proud to market dried shrimp in bulk as well as in suitable packaging to be available to consumers.

Dear customers, you can contact our sales consultants to buy and sell dried Dried Shrimp price for export. Shrimp farmed Iran is known in the region and also in the world. Shrimp farming is one of the commercial products in the world that many countries are buyers of. Many different species of shrimp live in the waters of the Oman Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Pink shrimp and banana shrimp that live in the waters of the Persian Gulf are the best shrimp in the world. This type of shrimp is mostly bought by the people of the south of our country and a very small percentage of it is exported

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