Quality Dried Shrimp Supplier

which factors set the quality of dried shrimps؟ What is the largest supplier of dried shrimp in the Middle East? Where can you buy bulk dried shrimp with the best quality and price? In this article we try to answer these questions, please join us

AS you Know, Dried shrimp are rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega 3, protein and phosphorus. Dried shrimp is useful for preventing cancer, anti-hypertension, anti-Alzheimer’s, anti-anemia and lowering cholesterol. This thing  makes dried shrimp one of the most consumed and popular types of dried meat in the world. People around the world consume dried shrimp as snacks, soups, pizzas, spices, pilafs, etc.

Countries bordering the seas and oceans are the main suppliers of dried shrimp. Iran, as a country with 2700 km of blue border, is one of the major producers of dry shrimp, which is one of the highest quality samples of dry shrimp due to the type of shrimp and special fishing conditions.

Dried shrimp

The best quality of Dried shrimp

quality in Dried shrimp depends on so many factors. Experts consider dry skinless shrimp with 95% dryness with a balanced amount of salt free of any contamination to be the best quality for dry shrimp. In most countries, sea shrimp is used to make dried shrimp. Sizes of 100-200 are ideal for drying. The main reason for this is the low price and abundance of shrimp in all seasons in the sizes mentioned. Dried farmed and wild shrimp are similar but them price are deferent. Farmed shrimp is 25 to 50 percent more expensive than sea shrimp. Generally factors affecting the quality of dried shrimp are below:

  • Quality of fresh shrimp
  • type of shrimps
  • Baking time
  • The amount of salt
  • How to peel
  • Drying time
  • How to dry
  • packing
  • Maintenance

Iranian Dried shrimps

Bulk order of dried shrimp

For advice on buying bulk dried shrimp, you can go to wholesale sites like Alibaba. But if you want to buy reliable and guaranteed quality products for a long time, you have to find the main manufacturers of this product and buy from them. Manufacturers can offer you dried shrimp with various quality, price and packaging, which makes it very easy for you to choose and trust. We are one of the largest producers of dried meat, including fish and shrimp, which produces various products in Bushehr province, one of the border provinces of Iran. For information on sales conditions and receiving advice, you can contact our consultants via email or WhatsApp. We try to be completely accountable.


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